Welcome to Shin Thermo Dynamic Engineering

An integrated Engineering, procurement and service providing firm for Steam Turbine Generator Package.

Tailor made solution for Power requirements of IPPs, CPPs and Cogen plants.

With experience of more than two decades in the power sector, Shin Thermo amalgamates expertise and customer needs to the best satisfaction of client.

System Engineering

Shin Thermo's team of experts offer Customised solutions for meeting the requirement of clients.

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Project Management

Shin Thermo's project management team achieve "Zero tolerance" delivery by meticulous planning & scheduling, status monitoring and expediting.

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After Sale Services

Shin Thermo emphasises the importance of After Sales service and renders timely support to all service requirements.

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  • We would like to put on record our sincere appreciation for the manner in which SNM / STDE dealt with our order for supply and installation of 6 MW T G set with its auxiliaries for our plant at Vapi, Gujarat.
    We found total professional approach, speed and accuracy with due regards to the agreed time schedule by all your team members. Commissioning of the unit was equally smooth and flawless

    Mr.Parimal Desai Director, Aarti industries Ltd.
  • M/s Shin Thermo Dynamic Engineering Pvt Ltd, Chennai in association with M/s Shin Nippon Machinery, Japan supplied, erected and commissioned 60 MW Turbine – Generator package in July 2013 for our 60 MW coal fired Power Plant in Gummidipoondi near Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The performance of machinery and after sales support is good.
    During my visit to Shin Nippon – Japan, I witnessed the stringent quality measures at each stage of manufacture and it is no wonder that the steam turbine has been performing well since commissioning. As the head of the project team, I consider the following as their highlights
    - System Engineering & clear documentation
    - Project planning & control over their vendors resulting in timely delivery
    - After sales services
    It has been a pleasure to work with Shin Thermo and I appreciate their effort in smooth execution of this project.

    Mr.A.Xavier Vice President (Projects), ARS metals Ltd
  • Wish to place on record my sincere appreciation to Shin Nippon Machinery / Shin Thermo Dynamic Engineering for the way our four orders for steam turbine generator sets were engineered, supplied and executed.
    Your technical competence was proved by your submission of offer with double internally controlled extraction along with two uncontrolled extractions.
    The ease of operation, the reliability and consistency of these STGs have added immense value to my organization as a whole. You will be on top of the list for any of our future requirements

    Mr.Gautam Goel Managing Director, Dhampur Sugar Mills Ltd.
  • I along with my technical team wish to place on record our sincere appreciation for the way our order for a STG set was specifically engineered, supplied within the stipulated time frame and professionally executed.
    Shin Nippon Machinery's concept of an AXIAL exhaust type of turbine for our cogeneration project at Chamundeswari sugars, was the perfect solution to our need, keeping in line with our aspiration—to be the frontrunner.
    AXIAL EXHAUST TURBINE with its appreciable saving in the civil cost of the steam turbine building, smooth commissioning, ease of maintenance and its compact/sleek look of the layout of equipment are a few advantages that needs special mention. The fervor and professional spirit with Shin Thermo Dynamic Engineering coordinated these activities, supplied well within time the auxiliaries, erected and commissioned the STG, the technical support during the after sales stage needs special mention.

    Mr.M.Srinivasan Managing Director, Sri Chamundeswari sugars Ltd.
  • I am writing to thank you very much indeed for the prompt and warm responses to my letter requesting for urgent help in getting components and parts into our sugar plants.I cannot tell you how much i appreciate this assistance from you, it will reflect in Mawana Sugars Limited becoming the best sugar company in India and a lot of efforts will have been derived from your positive support.

    Mr.Siddharth Shriram Chairman, Mawana sugars private Ltd.
  • 22.8 MW Turbo Generator set commissioned on 14th January 1999. Since then T.G. Set is working very smoothly without any problem.The Sales & Services after commissioning organized by Mr.Y.Yamauchi is very prompt and satisfactory.

    Mr.Shirgaokar Managing Director, Ugar sugar works Ltd.
  • We would like to put on record our sincere appreciation for the manner in which SNM / STDE dealt with our order for supply and installation of 6 MW T G set with its auxiliaries for our plant at Vapi, Gujarat.
    We found total professional approach, speed and accuracy with due regards to the agreed time schedule by all your team members. Commissioning of the unit was equally smooth and flawless

    Mr.Parimal Desai Director, Aarti industries Ltd.
  • M/s Shin Thermo Dynamic Engineering Pvt Ltd, Chennai in association with M/s Shin Nippon Machinery, Japan supplied, erected and commissioned 60 MW Turbine – Generator package in July 2013 for our 60 MW coal fired Power Plant in Gummidipoondi near Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The performance of machinery and after sales support is good.
    During my visit to Shin Nippon – Japan, I witnessed the stringent quality measures at each stage of manufacture and it is no wonder that the steam turbine has been performing well since commissioning. As the head of the project team, I consider the following as their highlights
    - System Engineering & clear documentation
    - Project planning & control over their vendors resulting in timely delivery
    - After sales services
    It has been a pleasure to work with Shin Thermo and I appreciate their effort in smooth execution of this project.

    Mr.A.Xavier Vice President (Projects), ARS metals Ltd